Saturday, September 13, 2008

Liberal: Not Dion's fault - Quebec hates successful people

Yolande Thibeault, the former (Liberal) MP for Saint-Lambert...despaired at the treatment given Mr. Dion by his fellow Quebecers. "For some reason, Quebecers, we do not like each other," she said. "It is not only in politics. It is in many other domains. If a businessman is very successful, he will be pulled down by our people. It seems to be the mentality of Quebecers."

So it's not that the people of Quebec don't like Dion because of his weak leadership, and his actions as the bespectacled bully of confederation, no, it's because he is so successful. What?

If what this Liberal says is true, why aren't they at the gates of Celine Dion's mansion, with the pitchforks, tar, etc?

Because it's not true. Thibeault is throwing out excuses and slurs to cover the fact that Stephane Dion just is not an attractive option. Rather, he is the Montreal Mistake.

Free advice to the Liberal Party: Next time, perhaps don't let the booze flow quite so freely at your leadership convention. When people drink, accidents happen.



Anonymous said...

With apologies to John Cougar Mellencamp ...

Jack and Dion

by JC Kelan

Little ditty about Jack and Dion
A kid from Quebec et un gar de Lyon
Jacky wanna be a Kyoto star
Dion, debutante in a hybrid car

Suckin’ on tofu dogs, watchin the CBC
Dion sittin on Jacky’s lap
Dreams a grit minority
Jacky say, “Hey Dion,
I’ll help you get rid of Steve,
then I’ll sit in your cabinet,
let me do what I please”


Oh yeah, life goes on
Long after the thrill of voting is gone
Oh yeah, say life goes on,
Long after the hope of winning is gone, they walk on

Jacky sits back and reflects for a moment
Dion scratches his head and does his best Howard Dean
“Well you know, Dion, Liz’ll be a problem”
Dion says, “Jack, she’s already on my team”


Oh yeah, life goes on
Long after the thrill of voting is gone
Oh yeah, say life goes on,
Long after the hope of leadin” is gone, they walk on

Steve’s gonna rock, Steve’s gonna roll
Let the “Green Shift” pull him up in the polls
Hold onto power as long as he can
Change come around real soon
Steve’s got a majority plan


Oh yeah, life goes on
Long after the thrill of voting is gone
Oh yeah, say life goes on,
Long after all the dreamin’ is gone, they walk on

Little ditty ‘bout Jack and Dion
two Lefties gettin’ whupped by the neo-con.

Anonymous said...

Nice tune that is. But let us not forget that commies want us all to be at the same level. (real conservative)

nbt said...

I sense a bit of bitterness intertwined in Thibeault statement.

A lot of people make the same types of assessments in NB. Sad indeed.